IWA Italy - International Web Association Italia

AAATE 2009

1 settembre 2009

As technology develops rapidly and an Information Society is approaching, the concept of Assistive Technology seems to be moving away from adopting the most appropriate device/s for each user in order to overcome the limitations to her/his activity to the design and set up of the total environment in which people live, supported by suitable functionalities (services) and, when necessary, by additional support devices integrated within the environment. At present, these two perspectives are deeply intertwined, from both a technological and a social point of view. The relationship, coexistence and transition between them currently represent the first challenges for the world of Assistive Technology. This is coherent with the WHO-ICF model, which describes disability as resulting not only from a person’s intrinsic attributes but also from the context. Therefore, according to the emerging technological perspectives, inclusion of all citizens can be pursued by the creation of inclusive living environments in which the abilities to carry out necessary tasks are redefined, particularly with reference to the accessing of information, interpersonal communications, and environmental control. From this perspective, this approach is also coherent with the definition of eInclusion, as approved in the 2006 Riga Ministerial Declaration: “e-Inclusion means both inclusive ICT and the use of ICT to achieve wider inclusion objectives”. For more information please read the leaflet announcing the conference:

Riporto le slide che ho presentato il 1 settembre 2009 all’evento AAATE 2009 nella sessione speciale coordinata da Oreste Signore (W3C Italia) e Judy Brewer (W3C WAI) alla quale ho partecipato in rappresentanza del DIT/FORMEZ e come rappresentante dell’associazione degli sviluppatori esperti in materia di accessibilità (legge 4/2004). Nelle ultime slide viene presentato il progetto dell’osservatorio per l’accessibilità in fase di realizzazione.

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Associazione IWA Italy (International Web Association Italia)

Via Colombo, 1/e - 30126 Lido di Venezia (VE)

email: amministrazione@iwa.it

PEC: iwa@pec.it

P. IVA: 03250160276

Informativa | Adempimenti L. 4/2013

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