IWA Italy - International Web Association Italia

Matteo Brunati , 16/07/2012 20:43
Gli standard relativi alle tecnologie RDF 1.1 stanno proseguendo il loro corso: sono usciti i primi draft relativi alla versione in JSON dello standard, JSON-LD, prima solo incubati dal gruppo Linking Data Community Group:
The RDF Working Group resolved on July 11, 2012 to publish JSON-LD Syntax 1.0 and JSON-LD API 1.0 as First Public Working Drafts. These two JSON-LD specifications have moved to the RDF Working Group as Recommendation-Track documents from the JSON for Linking Data Community Group. The Community Group will continue to work on JSON-LD specifications that transcend the charter of the RDF Working Group, such as the JSON-LD Framing API 1.0 and the RDF Universal Graph Normalization. More information about those JSON-LD may be found at http://json-ld.org/.
Mentre per quelli che hanno sempre odiato la sintassi RDF/XML, assai problematica da gestire, finalmente sta per arrivare come standard vero e proprio la versione Turtle, assai leggibile e di uso comune da anni:
The RDF Working Group resolved on June 27, 2012 to publish Turtle: Terse RDF Triple Language as a Last Call Working Draft. This document is intended to become a W3C Recommendation. Comments from other W3C Working groups and the public are actively being sought via the public-rdf-comments@w3.org mailing list (archives) until September 15, 2012.
Last Call è l'ultimo passo prima che diventi una vera e propria W3C Recommendation, il livello di standard vero e proprio.

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Associazione IWA Italy (International Web Association Italia)

Via Colombo, 1/e - 30126 Lido di Venezia (VE)

email: amministrazione@iwa.it

PEC: iwa@pec.it

P. IVA: 03250160276

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